I returned with some reservations about getting this second round of RT. I felt I had enough pain relief that I really considered not having this second session. It was explained to me that I needed it. It was explained that round 1 was like taking 1/2 your dose of antibiotics and round 2 was finishing up the antibiotics. The only reason I had such reservations is because I only get these two sessions of RT for life. I was wondering if I should "save" this second session for the future if I needed it. Needless to say, I returned and I am so thankful months later that I did!http://www.dupuytrensdiseasesupport.com/
I completed my week of radiation therapy with nothing to report. It takes appx 45 seconds per foot to administer the RT. Dr. Hochman's team is an "on-time" group. My appointment was at 9:30 am and at that time I was already in the room having my treatment and by 9:40 I am out the door.
The team took a look at my fibromas and felt them. The large one is still there and can be seen and felt with a little less of a pointed stone on the top. The smaller ones are so small they are well under the skin.
I continue my RT-vacation with my water sock, keeping my foot out of the chlorine and sun. We did take a kayak trip this time and did quiet a bit of vacation looking in Tarpon Springs, Weeki Watchi, Clearwater Beach and any other spot that looked interesting. Who would want to miss this?
The water is crystal clear!
I cannot stress enough to you how I connected to the Facebook forum DART - Dupuytren's Advocates for Radiation Therapy. It was this group that got me to where I am and I want to continue to be part of the Dupuytren's and Ledderhose Community and give back. I wouldn't want anyone to suffer as I did with this disease. If you do not belong to a Support Group, I strongly suggest you join us at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1622748151282109/
Below is the DART logo you are looking for: