My experience after Radiation Therapy
My R.T. experience was uneventful. The first dose of R.T. was administered and during that week I applied an alcohol free moisturizer to the base of the foot several times a day. My R.T. was early in the morning so I did not apply anything prior to the treatment. I kept a sock and shoe on the foot as much as possible. However, I did go swimming everyday in the pool. I kept a pool sock on for that.
Appx day 3 I could tell there was some lessening of pain in my big toe. I would say my pain was a strong 8 out of 10. The treated area appeared to be a little puffy but I did not feel any swelling at all.
We left on day 5 and by this day I definitely knew the pain was lessening. It was still probably a strong 8. I experienced as much pain from the big toe and I experienced with the fibroma. The reduction of pain was with my big toe, not the fibroma.
The below photo is after both sessions of Radiation Therapy. The last treatment was late September 2015. This photo is January 2016, 3 1/2 months post R.T. The fibroma is almost flat to my foot. I can still feel the fibroma and it feels similar to a callus. It is no longer painful, however, when I walk a lot it gets tender. It normally recovers by the next day. I have had no further growth of any of my fibromas and I am pain free. RT gave me back my life.
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